Introduction to Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery - Blepharoplasty
Many women and men have looked at their eyes and wondered if cosmetic eyelid surgery could enhance their appearance. For some, it’s the realization that their eyes are starting to look like their mother’s (or father’s) eyes. For others, it’s a recognition that their eyes are communicating a tired and worn look even though they feel well rested and energetic. And for some women, it’s a simple desire to wear eye makeup in a way they haven’t been able to for years.
Sagging eyelids can cause even more severe symptoms. For example, vision can be blocked by eyelids and eyelashes. This can be noted particularly when reading, but also for other common tasks as driving or watching television. Also, a tremendous amount of energy can be expended by the eyebrows and forehead just to keep the eyes open. A significant amount of fatigue can be felt around the eyes, particularly as the day wears on and these muscles tire of holding up droopy eyelids. Sometimes headaches are a direct result of baggy and droopy eyelids.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is also called cosmetic eyelid surgery or an eye lift. It is surgery performed on the eyelids to reduce puffiness and remove the excess hanging skin around the eyes. It gives the eyelids a more youthful appearance, reduces eye fatigue, and can help with vision.
For so many people cosmetic eyelid surgery is very exciting. In fact, cosmetic eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed every year. Many people have thought seriously about finally taking care of their tired looking eyes. Surgery performed by a cosmetic eyelid specialist with a great deal of experience is a fantastic way of finally taking care of the eyelids. Droopy, saggy, hanging, bulgy eyelids can be transformed to greatly enhance appearance and express to others true energy and vitality.
Dr. Daniel Ebroon is an Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon which means he specializes in plastic surgery of the eyelids. Cosmetic eyelid surgery (also called blepharoplasty) is cosmetic surgery that rejuvinates tired looking eyes.
By : Daniel Ebroon
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